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Our SiteZone proximity warning system has full Network Rail Product Acceptance (PA05/06212).

The use of specialist mobile equipment in the rail sector is wide ranging. Mobile plant is used in activities from the construction of new railway lines through to the maintenance and modernisation of existing infrastructure.

With a working environment that includes night time working and the use of industry-specific vehicles, the rail environment can be extremely demanding. Not only does the SiteZone proximity alarm system have the flexibility needed for the rail applications, but our team has years of experience in designing products for use in the rail sector.

By having Network Rail Product Acceptance and Railway Industry Supplier Qualification Scheme (RISQS) accreditation, you can be assured that our products are safe, compatible, reliable, and fit for purpose on the UK-wide rail infrastructure.

At a glance


Daily hours worked with SiteZone.

M +

Hours of proven time on site.


Proximity warning installations completed

"As part of the Network Rail approval process, a site-based behavioural study showed SiteZone made people more aware of the risks associated with working around plant and had therefore made the site safer.”

University of Nottingham | SHE Solutions

How SiteZone can be used in the rail sector

Proximity Warning System

Already successfully installed thousands of times across a range of industries, SiteZone is the UK's leading vehicle to pedestrian interface system and is proven to reduce the risk of collisions.

The full SiteZone proximity alarm system is accepted for use by Network Rail.

SiteZone iNstant

SiteZone iNstant is a complete Proximity Warning System in a single box.

It provides instant protection for transient vehicles and can also be used to create static exclusion zones - something that is often used on rail projects.

Protect everyone, all of the time.

Oversite - using data to change behaviour 

Gain unique safety insights by remotely monitoring interactions between vehicles and people across multiple locations.

Our data-driven approach takes proximity warning to the next level and can be used to change behaviours and make changes to improve safety on-site.

SiteZone in Rail

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Choose a Network Rail approved proximity warning system 

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